Category: Bookkeeping
What is bookkeeping and why is it important for small businesses?
Content Step 1: Choose your software What are the two kinds of bookkeeping? Stay on top of your bookkeeping Examples of Bookkeeping In some cases, this information is needed only at the end of the year for tax preparation. The bottom line is that bookkeeping provides an organized look at a business’ finances, which makes […]
Annual Tax Rates
Content Tax Brackets Other Taxable Income The basics on federal income tax rates OUR SERVICES Federal Income Tax Brackets, Standard Deductions, Tax Rates The income ranges, adjusted annually for inflation, determine which tax rates apply to you A progressive tax system means that tax rates increase as your taxable income goes up and your income […]
IOLTA for Lawyers Maryland Legal Services Corporation
Contents: IOLTA FAQ What Is An IOLTA Account? The difference between IOLTA and Attorney Trust. Here’s a visual guide to understanding the difference between IOLTA and IOLA These are the most comprehensive revisions to RPC 1.15 since the current rule took effect in 2011 and include significant changes to the organization of the rule’s provisions, […]
Sign Up for Paperless Invoicing
Content Paperless Invoicing – All About How Small Businesses Can Go Paper-free For Invoicing Email-based invoices Turn Paperless Billing on and off for Invoices and Statements The Future of AP is Paperless Steps for Converting to a Paperless Invoice Processing Solution You can transmit an electronic receipt of the money as soon as you have […]
Burn Rate: What Is It and How to Calculate It
Contents: Parkland Formula Example: Practice Question What Is Burn Rate? How to calculate burn rate Cash runway formula Knowing the total body surface area involved will help guide the patient’s care, provide an estimate for fluid resuscitation, and determine if the patient requires care at a specialized burn center. The burn rate is an important […]
Sales Tax Formula: How to Calculate Sales Tax
Content How is an excise tax different from a sales tax? Calculating Sales Tax Rate What states don’t have sales tax? Example Question #4 : Monetary Percentage Do You Need to Charge Sales Tax? In this article, we’ll cover everything you need to know about sales tax. You’ll learn what sales tax is and if […]
Taxes on Social Security Benefits
Content Social Security Taxable Benefits Calculator Planning with the online edition? Social Security Tax Calculator Create a tax-efficient Social Security strategy Social Security Income Cap The Social Security tax rate Let’s say you’re a single filer who received $30,000 from Social Security benefits and had no other income. Because your income falls between the $25,000 […]
PERSONAL ACCOUNTANT: Salary, Skills, and Roles of Personal Accountants
Content Identifying an Accountant Who Meets Your Needs A Personal Accountant Saves Time on Bookkeeping Accounting Supervisor Salary: Salaries In The United States Updated The Pros of Hiring a Personal Accountant If you don’t find a tax preparation service or CPA near you whom you feel comfortable working with, consider looking outside of your geographic […]
How to Determine Marginal Cost, Marginal Revenue, and Marginal Profit in Economics
Content What Is the Formula for Marginal Cost? General FAQs on Marginal Costs Everything You Need To Master Financial Modeling Long run marginal cost Marginal Cost Formula Examples Marginal costs don’t typically include fixed costs, which are the same no matter how many units are produced. Examples of fixed costs include rent, management salaries, commercial […]