Tag: Psychology
Giftivism: the practice of radically generous acts that transform the world
Nipun Mehta is the founder of ServiceSpace (formerly Charity Focus), an incubator of projects that works at the intersection of volunteerism, technology and gift-economy. What started as an experiment with four friends in the Silicon Valley has now grown to a global ecosystem of over 350000 members. Nipun has received many awards, including the Jefferson […]
11 Reasons to Smile on World Smile Day
Whether you woke up on the wrong side of the bed, picked a fight with a loved one or struggled through that morning commute to a job you don’t particularly enjoy, it can be a tough task to plaster a smile across your face when you’re feeling less than chipper. But by choosing to smile, […]
The How of Happiness: A New Approach to Getting the Life You Want
The How of Happiness is a comprehensive guide to understanding the elements of happiness based on years of groundbreaking scientific research. It is also a practical, empowering, and easy-to-follow workbook, incorporating happiness strategies, exercises in new ways of thinking, and quizzes for understanding our individuality, all in an effort to help us realize our innate […]
Daniel Goleman Introduces Emotional Intelligence
Daniel Goleman, leading expert on emotional intelligence, gives a great introduction to the concept and practice. He starts by outline EI’s four domains, 1) self-awareness, 2) self-management, 3) empathy and reading others, and 4) synthesis and relationship building. After discussing the benefits of EI, Goleman remarks on the current growth of EI practice, gender disparity, […]
The Happiness Tipping Point
“I think it’s here,” Prof. Martin Seligman said as he made a blue dot only millimeters to the left of the tipping point on the diffusion of innovations graph I had sketched in my Moleskine notebook. Martin Seligman, the “father of positive psychology,” had just lectured on Well-being at Work to over 500 business professionals […]
Unlocking the Mysteries of Psychological Wealth
“Happiness: Unlocking the Mysteries of Psychological Wealth” shares the results of three decades of research on our notions of happiness covers the most important advances in our understanding of happiness. The book offers readers unparalleled access to the world’s leading experts on happiness as it provides “real world” examples that will resonate with general readers. […]
Women Leaders Get Results: The Data
The most effective leaders, we’ve long known, have more competence in emotional intelligence. It’s not your college degrees or IQ that make you an outstanding leader, but emotional intelligence abilities. Leaders who get the best results tend to show more strengths in key competencies in emotional intelligence. Now the news comes that women, on average, […]
Discover How to Buy Happiness
Michael Norton shares fascinating research on how money can, indeed buy happiness — when you don’t spend it on yourself. Listen for surprising data on the many ways pro-social spending can benefit you, your work, and (of course) other people. Michael Norton is a professor of business administration in the marketing unit at the Harvard […]
Relieve Stress by Coloring Mandalas
Adults have long used crafts to unwind, but why coloring books? Why now? It may have something to do with online access — and, funnily enough, the desire to unplug. Like children, adults need a break from screen time– and many are rediscovering the analog pleasures of coloring inside the lines. The therapeutic benefits of […]
Discover the App to Track Your Happiness
When are humans most happy? To gather data on this question, Matt Killingsworth built an app, Track Your Happiness, that let people report their feelings in real time. Among the surprising results: We’re often happiest when we’re lost in the moment. And the flip side: The more our mind wanders, the less happy we can […]